Is Age only a number?

Published on 5 February 2025 at 19:16

Is age only a number?

I find myself stuck with a title, I only ever laughed at. I never thought I would be one. Milf I can deal with, but COUGAR???

Me? NEVER!...or so I thought... and then it happened.

What could a mature woman find appealing in a young man half her age other than the obvious? How could there be any similar interests or attraction?  I was confused, a little cynical and frankly a bit judgemental.  Till one day, I met one.

A construction worker. We met the summer of 2015.  We hit it off like nobody's business. I worked as a shift manager at Tim Horton's.  Every night at 9:30pm He would come in.  He would order his large regular coffee, double cupped. The sarcasm and humour that passed between us, quickly turned into friendship.  We exchanged numbers, and became friends.

He soon became my confidant.  Oh, I forgot to tell you he was also a volunteer firefighter. Sexy, smart, funny and omg...he was 10 years younger than me. We hit a snag. 

It'll never work, I kept telling myself.  Yet we spent so much time together we laughed and laughed. I named him "the sweetest asshole"  he was confident & cocky. What the hell did he see in me?  He took me out for dinner one night, as he pulled his credit card out of his wallet to pay, the waitress saw his badge. Instantly she didn't care that I sat across from him. She tried her best to flirt with him.  I sat smirking the whole time.  Did she think I was his mother?  What he did next, I will never forget. As we were leaving, he slapped my ass hard and  everyone turned as I jumped. He wanted me, no one else. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. The look on the waitress's face was one of horror... to this day I don't know if it was embarrassment or disgust. 

That night we kissed for the first and last time. I was unable to budge on the age.  We were at a standstill. 

Fast forward 7years.   I found myself caught in the similar situation as I was in with the fire fighter. Determined not to make the same mistake.  I gave this guy a chance, and the next one and the next one.  All younger than me. Does age hold any significance? The answer is NO it doesn't.  What does hold significance is, compatibility, common sense, morals and life experience. I have a young soul, I crave adventure, freedom, authenticity and acceptance.

The thing is, people will always judge you ..LET THEM

Live your life with abandon, and enjoy it! You have one shot.  Make it the best you can. Don't let a silly number, come between you and something wonderful. Live, and give people "something to talk about"





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