
Published on 16 February 2025 at 20:17

The game of life

A game you either love or hate. No grey area here at all. 

My Dad taught me how to play when I was a little girl, maybe 7 or 8.  My brothers seemed to pick it up a lot quicker than I did, I always had more important things to do.  Yet it didn't stop me from playing. 

Or even joining the chess club in elementary school. Which I came in last place, no surprise.  That was many moons ago.  Fast forward a few years. My love for chess returned. 

My Mother,  gave me a beautiful glass chess board that came with detailed pewter pieces.  Over the years I lost pieces and ended up buying a new glass set. (which still looked great)  but just wasn't the same.   

I have always had it out on display and ready to play.  Most times it sat there,  and just collected dust.  It was definitely a great conversation piece, always ending with the other person not interested in playing.  So it sat. and sat. Then one day I met someone who loved to play just as much as I did. Only thing was, playing me was like stealing candy from a baby, I didn't challenge them. Yet they still played, and I never gave up.   I never really thought it was all that competitive, boy was I wrong. 

I was never very good, and I definitely knew nothing about an ELO, or who Magnus Carlsen was. I heard of Bobby Fischer and I watched the queens gambit, but that was it.   So I started reading, to my surprise it was a worldwide sport.  So started my obsession.  I was now on a quest of winning and learning. (still going strong)

I was doing a lot of not winning!  I never gave up... soon my reds were turning green and my elo rating was going up. I started really getting into it...I found my escape from life, and I enjoyed it. I don't think I have ever said the F-word as much as I did, while playing. Or calling my opponents the nastiest of names, but  somehow it was so therapeutic.  

I started talking with people, and all of a sudden it dawned on me. Chess is basically the game of life.  We all start out as pawns, and over time with dedication and perseverance, we morph into Bishops and Knights.   Some never leave this realm, they are our protectors and fighters.  The select few who pass this phase of life now Rooks.  Rooks who represent strength, stability and resilience.  This is where I stand in life.  I'm a Rook.  I am comfortable, I have strength and resilience. A very comfortable place to be. I don't want to stay here.

My Dreams are bigger than what any comfort can bring.  My sights are set on the Queen. The most power of all pieces. Some would even argue she is more precious than the King.  We cannot have a chess board without the main attraction the King the ruler of all. 

Much like our living lives, the pairing of man and woman are the exact same as the King and Queen.   The queen protects her king, and her  King  takes care of his Queen.  This dynamic  is one we all search for throughout our lives.  To find our true King or Queen is that, of meeting our soulmate. It's rare, yet if you are open to it, it  is not out of reach.

Just imagine, having a King/Queen by your side day in and day out.  They will challenge you, push you beyond all barriers you have built.  See you for your authentic self. Give you the motivation  you need when you feel like giving up.  A love, that just gets stronger as the days pass by.   This my friends is a power couple.

We all strive to find. 

Don't stay a pawn, keep going. You are destined for great things.  Keep your dreams alive, no matter how long it takes, you will get there.

Journey said it best, Don't stop believin' 




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