Love conquers all?? That's what they say. Love knows, no bounds? Who wrote that shit? Clearly someone who never had a broken heart,loved someone they couldn't have or had to move on without closure. Let's be clear here, I DO BELIEVE IN LOVE..just haven't had the best track record...butttt... there is always that but. What I perceive love to be in my head, and what it is in my heart are completely different. What do you listen to? Head or heart? OR both?
Driving to work today, I was listening to my favourite pod caster, he said in order to love authentically, you must love like you are blind. A blind person?? what the hell, How will you know if you are attracted to them...then it hit me.
How many times have you tried on-line dating? Be honest..probably more times, than fingers on both hands. I am no different. I get lonely late at night, next thing I know, I am creating yet another profile. Always hopeful, this is the last. Nope a few weeks go by, and all the faces that were there weeks before are still there, so you like the ones you like and move on. The cycle continues...a vicious one at that.
What if we removed pictures out of the profiles? Talked to people based on personality and emotional intelligence, and intellect? Actually got to know them, for who they are. Not just a pretty face.
Could this possibly work? how far would we get? So many unanswered questions. The world of dating would forever be a completely different atmosphere. No more shallow Hals?
Lets face it, that will never happen.
We are after all in the year 2025....not 1998. We are searching for the elusive 90's love in an era where you can't walk a city block without looking at your phone. Convenience has taken over. Everything is just a click away. No one fights for what they truly want anymore, you hit a rough patch and you're hit with goodbyes and take cares, wish you a good life. What has happened to us. We turned into a bunch of a cowards. Letting the fear of rejection take over, and leaving before you get hurt. Why are we so afraid to take any sort of risk?
What if we actually fought for what we truly wanted? Stopped giving our bodies away to anyone. Raised our vibration and sense of self. Realised how amazing we are. What if we weren't afraid to fall in love?
No biography ever started with, What if?
I have this little saying,..I don't live my life by what if's or regrets..I say what I mean and mean what I say. If someone doesn't like your honesty, and open communication then they probably aren't your people. I know a few things about love, I'm no expert at all. I was married twice. One I rushed in, I was discovering who I was. The second I loved him, before I loved myself.
I love myself with so much passion and devotion that when I fall in love again, he needs to match my love or it simply won't work.
I am no longer looking to date and have fun. I am looking to love for a lifetime. If I have to stay celibate until it happens, so be it.(isn't that why toys were made) If you can't be loyal to yourself, how will anyone be loyal to you?
Do you believe in love after love? I most definitely do!
from the bottom of my heart,
ps. I just answered the question head or heart
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