Patience is a virtue
We have all been there. That moment you realised you messed up, and I mean messed up.
Our first instinct is to run and hide, bury our face in the sand. How many of us, can admit we made a mistake and own up to it right away? Not many. We need time to ponder both sides of the situation. See our actions through the eyes of another. Then and only then can we see our mistake.
I know, my worst trait is that I lack patience. I know this, yet I find it near impossible to break. Is it because, I've been so used to doing things on my own for so many years? Or is it simply lack of willpower? I've never had to wait for anything. If I wanted something I went out and got it.
Why is waiting so hard to do? Patience is a virtue, but no one tells you how hard it is. When all you want to do is that one thing you cant do. Yet you do it anyway.
Now you live with the consequences of those actions. Were they worth it?
Absolutely not.
Hind sight is always 20/20. Why does it always take losing something so important to make you learn your lesson?
I am truly at a loss. I feel heart broken, yet it was my own actions that led me down this road.
I ask you for forgiveness. I know it's too late for reconciliation, damage is done. I must let go.
go easy on me,
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