wrong turns=endless laughter
One of my favourite things to do, is to take a trip down memory lane. They usually include long drives and a ton of laughter. Did I mention I am direction-ally challenged, even with a GPS. Don't ask. It's hereditary. I inherited it from my mother.
My Mom lives in Alberta. I was on a work conference last year, it was 1.5 hrs from her house, so I extended my stay so I could stay and visit with her. She was picking me up on the last day. I was so excited, I hadn't seen her in a year. We hugged for what seemed like ages. I hopped into the drivers seat. Mom had her GPS on already.
We left the hotel, and right away we made a wrong turn... "turn here Carrie" mom said...ignoring what the GPS was saying.. so as an obedient daughter I did as I was told. We just did a big loop, that hotel on the right looked awfully familiar. We must have drove past that hotel 5 times before we realised we were going in the wrong direction. Each time we past it, we laughed even harder, we were almost crying by this point. We finally made it to the highway.
Phew.. we were cruising, talking and getting caught up on the past year. We just kept driving. Not a care to be had. Then we saw the sign, Rocky Mountain House 35kms away.
Mom turned off her GPS, she was confident where we were going. We were headed in the complete opposite direction. A drive that should have taken 1.5 hours ended up taking 5 hours. We stopped and had breakfast and regrouped. Moments like that happened a lot when her and I are together. We lose all common sense, and we just end up laughing so hard to the point of crying.
Have you ever been a passenger in a car, where the driver goes sooo slow over a speed bump that the car rolls backwards? Only my mother. "Granny did we just roll backwards over that speed bump" Logan blurts out...and all of us just start laughing uncontrollably.
There is just something so therapeutic about laughing with family members. You can be yourself, and really just let loose, let out a little snort and feel no shame.
Or when your Mother asks her grandkids if her daughter is dating anyone new, and Logan blurts out again, Mom goes out for coffee late at night... Silence then laughter and ebarassment.
Laughter and family the best medicine anyone could ever asked for. Something money cannot buy.
always and forever,
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