A Nightmare I lived

Published on 23 February 2025 at 18:22

Once upon a nightmare...

October 14,2017 is a day I will never forget.


I came home from work, my usual time it was about 4pm in the afternoon.

I unlocked my door and waited for the two little kittens the kids and I just got to come running.  Nothing. Odd, I went into the kitchen and Drago and Apollo were playing with dried up maple leaves. Where on earth did they come from? 

Going into the living room I saw my patio door was open.  That's impossible, it's always locked I have two kitties why would I leave it open.  I questioned everything.   I called Mr B right away. Yes my future ex husband.  He was just finishing up class. He came over right away. (we were on again off again at this point) 

When he got there, I showed him everything I found.  He didn't seem too concerned and it actually made me feel better. Maybe I did leave the door open and just forgot to close it, I could have had leaves on the bottom of my shoes, it was fall after all.  We ordered some food, cuddled a little bit and he had go.  So we said our  goodbyes.   

Later that night, I had just drifted off to sleep. It was around 9pm I jumped out of bed, at what sounded like a gunsot.  I was scared shitless.  Then I heard it again. Someone threw something at my balcony, the noise it made was that of a gunshot.  I looked out the window to see if I could see anything.  I was scared, alone with two kitties. I called Mr B. But  he didn't pick up, so I called my friend Jonny.  We dated for a while, but realised we were better friends.

He was the only person I ever gave a house key to, I trusted him like no other.   He was there is 10 mins.  He went outside and looked around, I swear this man had no fear, well and that he had a gun for protection. 

He found 3 big rocks on the grass under a maple tree, right outside my balcony.

I felt much better knowing what it was. Jonny  thought maybe some kids were being little idiots and throwing stones.  He was getting ready to leave and he turned back and said keep this just in case.  (it was his gun) I said no I'm good.  We hugged, I thanked him and he said he'd call me in the morning. 

Call me he did.  I went about my day. It was time to go home.  When I got home...again my patio door was wide open.

This time, my TV was gone and my laptop was gone. I called my gf Lisa, she was over Asap... I was too shaken, I didn't care about the tv, my computer...it had the all my children's pictures from the last 10 years. I called Jonny as soon as the officer left, he had connections around town.  He was able to track it down to a pawn shop a few blocks away.   He went and picked it up for me. He was heading out of town to drop his son off.  When he came back to London we met up, I was out with Lisa,  I didn't want to to be alone.  Jonny insisted I stay at his place and I did. 

I had to call my clients, and cancel their massage appointments. I was too shaken to work on anyone. That night after work I went back to my place. I really wish I didn't go by myself.  

Someone has been inside my apartment again.  My childrens's pictures were all face down,  my chess board all the pieces were laying down. I was afraid to go into my bedroom.  Yet I found the courage to do so.. my sheet were all crumpled up, there was a bottle of lube open a toy that someone wrote "slut" down the side of it....and a puddle on the sheets that was not from me.  I took out my phone, and took pictures of everything that I found. 

I could not stay here. I was so freaked out. I called Mr B. and he said to come over.  I stayed with him for a few days. Until he realised my situation was more serious than he thought it was.  Care, (he called me Care for short) I can't have you here, I am in court trying to get access to my baby  girl.  He was afraid what was going on with me who boil over into his life.  I felt betrayed by him, I never ask for help from anyone, here I was, terrified..someone has been breaking into my apartment, going through my belongings. I felt so invaded, and now M B.  is telling me he can no longer help me.  I was so devastated. 

I didn't need anyone.  I can handled this on my own.   I went back to my apartment, I found the biggest knife I could and put it under my pillow. I slept with it there.  I barely got any sleep, I had all the lights on. There was peace that night, nothing happened. I got up took the knife with me and my phone and went in to have a shower.

I stepped out of my shower, and there on the mirror was a heart with my name inside it.  I didn't notice it before, but since it was all steamed up it stuck out like a sore thumb.  I thought I was having a heart attack...I had to slow my breathing.  I wasn't even in the shower 10 mins..the door to the bathroom was locked and I put the garbage can in front of the door.  No one was there at that moment, this  must have happened earlier.  That brought me a little peace.  All I knew was,  I had to get dressed and get the hell out of there...


Once upon a nightmare,     

to be continued.....




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