When you just feel like poop

Published on 22 February 2025 at 20:33

little miss sleepy

 I can't believe I am on day number two of not getting out of bed.  I just feel like yuk.

Starving, I decided to order pizza. What was I thinking.  I'm caught somewhere between, a splitting headache and the need to vomit. 

Thank goodness there has been no upchucking.  Just every muscle in my body was on strike. 

I woke up today so emotional, and not sure why.  It wasn't until my pizza came that I realised why I was in such a state.  I am lonely. 

One of the rare times I will ever admit it.  It's probably a good thing I don't get sick  very often. 

Wouldn't it be nice, to have someone tuck you in, bring you a hot tea and just keep you company.   I honestly don't remember the last time someone made a fuss over me while I was sick.(other than my kids)

Then I did what I do best. I got all up in my head, and wonder what is so wrong with me.

I'll be honest. The pity party only lasted a few hours till I fell asleep again.  When I woke hours later,  I felt like a new person.  My stomach wasn't aching, my headache gone.  

I managed to move myself out of bed and walk around for a bit.  I was feeling ok.   What was that, the 48 hour flu? 

I am on the mend, colour is returning to my cheeks. Must say, I looked like death. 

Our bodies need a re start too every once in a while. That is exactly what happened. Just a little reminder that we need to be good to our bodies and take care of it. Give it the rest it needs to heal. It's hard to slow down when we are so used to go, go,go.   If you won't, life steps in and says time out. 

Now I am left with a running nose and bad breath, and a bed that is calling me to sleep again.  

Sleep is what my body craves, so sleep is what I shall give it. 


sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite,





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