Every positive reaction, has an equal and opposite reaction ...Newton's Third Law of Motion
Nothing feels more like spring in February, then that of melting snow and warm sunshine hitting your face. What a dopamine rush. Not a care in the world. Just pure bliss.
I saw another two black crows today. They seem to be waiting for me everywhere. I don't mind at all. I went digging to find out the spiritual meaning behind seeing black crows, and here is what I found:
(1) One for sorrow
(2) two for mirth (celebration)
(3) three for a wedding
(4) four for a birth
(5) for silver
(6) for gold
(7) seven a secret that should never be told
(8) eight for a wish
(9) nine for a kiss
(10) ten a bird you must not miss
(11) eleven for hope
(12) Twelve for health
(13) Thirteen for the devil himself.
I see Two crows more times than I can count on my hands and feet, such a positive omen.
There have been on a few occasions I only saw one, I would look around frantically looking for a second or third...nope only one...sorrow.. that feeling of impending doom, that feeling you get in the bottom of your stomach and you know something bad is about to happen. If you pay attention, you get subtle signs and feelings as to what is approaching.
Do you ever get an itchy left palm, or an itchy right one?
When your left is ichty, it means money is flowing to you. If the right is ichty, money is flowing from you.
We are made up of half positive, (left side) and half negative (right side) we are equal parts good and evil. Just like the yin and yang. Ever wonder why it's black and white. It represents good and evil, male and feminine, light and darkness.
A week before my dear father passed away. I was driving home from school. There sitting on a fence post in the middle of broad daylight, was a pure white snowy owl. I slowed down, I looked at him and he looked at me, I was covered from head to toe in so much grief. He then took off.
To see a bird that graceful fly away, is something I will never have the words for. Tears coming down face, it was a sad scene, my heart was breaking. Right out of the saddest movie you have ever seen.
My Father was 3/4 Cree Indian. He knew the spiritual meanings. When I told him what happen, he said "Dot,(one of his many nicknames for me, short for daughter) I'm dying" and he did exactly that, one week later.
Pay attention to the signs and animals that cross your path. They are sent from your angels to guide you through life, to ease pain, and to bring you hope.
Nothing is a coincidence, we are where we are right now, right where we are supposed to be. Have faith, all you need, is that of a mustard seed.
walk like an Egyptian,
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