Time for a change

Published on 26 February 2025 at 22:43

Out of control Karen's...

Tonight sealed the deal. I am officially ready to switch careers. The job I onced loved, is now one that I absolute dread. I hung up on a Karen tonight.  Who gets the right to belittle someone to the point where they just want to throat punch you. 

Yep, I wanted to jump through the phone, and punch that Karen in throat. Wow, what happened to manners and being kind to a stranger?  What is your name, she kept repeating. None of your business.  I know that triggered her, who gives a shit. I could have made up a name and she would have been happy,  nope she was pissing me off. Petty yes, did it make me feel better 100%

I got the l  last word in before I hung up.  Have a great evening :) I'm sure that was her calling back a hundred times, I didn't answer... too bad Felicia 

I'm not going to brag, but my manners are normally top notch.  See I have a breaking point too. I wasn't going to give in to this Karen, I poured on the charm,  she got the most fake version of me ever,  If I could have, I would have given her the integrity speech and how empathy works, I choose to be fake nice instead.   Kill them with kindness, or so they say.

We have all heard the saying, turn the other cheek. When do we draw the line, and say enough is enough. No one wants to be a doormat their whole life.

I need a break from "people"

Especially those, self entitled Karens. Where the heck do they come from? 

Is their life that shitty, that they need to project vomit on everyone in their way? Or is it a ploy for attention? 

I will never know. Are they decent humans just having a bad day? Week? Month? Year?  Does that absolve them of being a jerk?Absolutely not. 


Every one of us, has some sort of turmoil in our lives.  Most have an outlet...sadly I say MOST.

I've caught myself being a Karen a time or two, but I apologise right away, I know when to be the bigger person.  


Moral of the story, kindness goes a long way...ALWAYS



Humble and Kind, 




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