Carrie Bannister Meets Carrie Bradshaw...Part One.
So I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I shut my phone off. Turned on the TV and just let my mind be taken over by Carrie Bradshaw and Mr Big.
I've never watched a full episode of Sex In The City until the year 2025.... boy I was missing out.
As I was watching I was thinking, I am that Carrie. Funny thing is my last name starts with a B as well and I'm a writer. Even though she is a fictional character, I am Carrie Bradshaw.
I was relating to so much. Her personality, her quirkiness, her need to find answers and to be understood.
Then she said something that hit home. We cause our own pain, by putting expectations on people. This isn't new, and we have all done it. Put someone on a pedestal and been devastated after you get a closer look, you realise you don't like who they are.
I'm not talking physical appearances. I'm talking about honour, integrity and morals.
That scene when Carrie showed up at Big's door, after he returned from Paris. She was over the moon excited to see him and apologise for her erratic behaviour.
She came to terms with him leaving for work. She wanted their relationship to stand strong. Carrie was willing to put in the work. Phone calls, phone sex and random trips to Paris to be with Big.
This is where it got bad. I was expecting Big to be excited. Carrie was putting in the effort, he meant something to her. He then says...."don't do this for me" If I could have slapped him I would have. I'm over invested in this show now. I felt her pain, I wanted to cry with her.
She was so hurt and disappointed. She flung the food she had brought and said, no I am doing this for "us" and slammed the door.
She loved Big. In that moment she knew, it was over. Love isn't a one way street.
I know we can all relate to Carrie and Big. We can also learn from Carrie and Big. I have seen teasers of the next few I am staying optimistic That true love prevails...
You will have to wait for part two.....Another day when I have a few hours to tune out the world. I do want to see how they managed to work through yet another hurdle, or maybe they just moved on....stay tuned to find out
to be with you,
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