It's happening...

Published on 20 February 2025 at 20:37

Old me + New Me = Double Wow :)

When it rains, it pours. 

I mean that in every aspect of my life.  From men, to friends, family and of course work.  I went from feeling all doom across my life, in a matter of weeks.  Doors are opening, people are talking about me, about my writings.  I feel so incredibly blessed. 

What about these men? Why all of a sudden am I being approached, and asked out?  Why are friends from the past reaching out with heartfelt messages of wanting to reconnect and go on trips together.   It's all because I decided to let go. 

Let go of everything that was keeping me stuck. 

I'm pursuing my dreams, and my dreams are pursing me.   That's right,  what you seek is seeking you.

Sitting at my desk today, I looked at my monitor and I saw a reflection of myself, and I smiled.  A high ponytail with a few strands falling down on my face, I looked like a goddess.  Then a light bulb went off...


I figured out the name for my book... Memoirs of a Goddess...

I was covered from head to toe in shivers, it felt like I won the lottery.  Like a little kid, I ran out to my staff members.(they are my behind the scenes audience)  I told Jaspreet first, I said "Jass"  I have a name for my book.  He smiled his smile, he loved it!  Hearing how he got excited I had to go on and tell the others.   I have to be honest, a few I'm sure will say what I want to hear because I do their payroll. :) nonetheless, a smile is a smile.

I've waited my whole life to write like this.  I simply can't get enough. Passion borders obsession...I love it.  I'm like a child during the first snowfall, the awe and wonder of what is coming next. A snowstorm, freezing rain or pure sunshine.

This is where the dreamer mixed with passion and creativity meets the writer. This is where magic begins. 


and then he kissed me





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