The Tests Of Time

Published on 27 February 2025 at 22:46

Welcome back...

A new day, a new turn of events. 

My assistant has returned to work.  I am very happy.  You don't know how much you miss someone, until they're gone.  Work just hasn't been the same.  Her and I, are so much alike.  We laugh at the same things, we laugh at each others jokes, we just laugh at each other. The filth that comes out of our mouth, make the men blush.  To find someone as rare as that is a treasure. What a great way to end our jobs, just as we started together. 

We have formed a friendship that has truly withstood some trials and tribulations.  We have gone days without speaking.  She would pout in her corner and I would pout in mine.Just like anything it makes a stronger relationship.   It was always me to say something like, I'm sorry first...and then we would hug and be great again.

She has not only been my assistant,she was my therapist, my sounding block, most importantly we have become great friends. 

Absolutely nothing off limits.  

How many people can say they have a friendship like that?  Sheeesh most marriages don't even have that. In a way you could say, she is my work wife.

Welcome back D! These last 8 weeks will surely fly by now. I am  so very excited, just like a kid in a candy store.


let the good times roll, 




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